Workforce Essentials: Responsibility in the Workplace

One of the most critical traits to look for in an employee is responsibility.  Responsible employees drive the success of an organization, whether for profit or not for profit. 

The responsibility in the workplace workshop will introduce to you the idea of responsibility and the traits that define a responsible employee.  It will also show the effects of having responsible employees versus irresponsible employees.  And finally, the workshop will cover the steps to becoming more responsible.

Workplace Essentials: Teamwork and Team Building

For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. Having a solid team will benefit any organization and will lead to more success than not.

The Teamwork And Team Building workshop will encourage you to explore the different aspects of a team and how you can become a top-notch team performer. You will be given the details and concepts of what makes up a team and what factors into being a successful team and team member.

Workplace Essentials : Civility in the Workplace

While a training program on workplace manners and courtesy may seem like overkill, the reality is: rudeness is an epidemic costing industry millions a year. Indeed, what society seems to be gaining in terms of both knowledge and technological advancement it’s losing out on basic social values that directly impact the bottom line.

To address the growing problem of incivility in the work setting, this workshop introduces the concept of civility, its importance to a company, as well as its typical causes and effects. Skills needed to effectively practice civil behavior, as well as different ways organizations can systematize civility in the workplace will also be discussed. The benefits of Civility In The Workplace are countless and will pay off immensely in every aspect of your job.

Workplace Essentials: Change Management

Change is a constant in many of our lives. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas, and methods often change, affecting how we perform daily tasks and live our lives. Having a smooth transition when change occurs is important in any situation, and your participants will gain some valuable skills through this workshop.

The Change Management workshop will give any leader tools to implement changes more smoothly and to have those changes better accepted. This workshop will also give you an understanding of how change is implemented and some tools for managing their reactions to change.

Workplace Essentials: Networking Within the Company

Networking is one of the most basic and essential skills employees should develop. Unfortunately, having great networking skills within an organization is sometimes overlooked. A viable networking and communication skill set will benefit any organization and lead to increased productivity and performance.

Networking Within the Company is about creating and maintaining better relationships. You will develop skills to avoid obstacles, increase communication, and build relationships that last over time. Employees who understand and embrace the aspects of networking in the workplace will grow the business and create a more engaging environment.

Workplace Essentials: Networking Outside the Company

Networking – according to Merriam-Webster, is “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business.” These and other events can become more easily managed with this great workshop.

With our Networking (Outside the Company) workshop, you will see how important developing a core set of networking skills is. By managing and looking at the way people interact and seeing things in a new light, you will improve on almost every aspect of your networking strategy.

Workplace Essentials: Business Ethics

A company's ethics will determine its reputation. Therefore, good business ethics are essential for the long-term success of an organization. Implementing an ethical program will foster a thriving company culture and increase profitability. Developing a Business Ethics program takes time and effort, but doing so will do more than improve business; it will change lives.

A company's ethics will influence all levels of business. It will influence all who interact with the company, including customers, employees, suppliers, competitors, etc. All of these groups will affect the way a company"s ethics are developed. It is a two-way street; the influence goes both ways, making understanding ethics an essential part of business today. Ethics is critical, as news can now spread faster and farther than ever before.

Workplace Essentials: Business Etiquette

This course examines the basics, most importantly being considerate of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and "the handshake," conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting international business opportunities, dealing with interruptions, and proper business email and telephone etiquette. Have you ever been in a situation where:

  • You met someone important and had no idea what to say or do?
  • Did you spill soup all over yourself at an important business event?
  • Did you show up at an important meeting under or overdressed?

Let's face it: We've all had those embarrassing etiquette gaffes. Our Business Etiquette workshop will help you look and sound your best no matter what the situation.

Workplace Essentials: Business Acumen

Through our Business Acumen workshop, you will improve your judgment and decisiveness skills. Business Acumen is all about seeing the big picture and recognizing that all decisions, no matter how small, can have an effect on the bottom line. You will increase your financial literacy and improve your business sense.

Business Acumen will give you an advantage everyone wishes they had. The workshop will help your participants recognize learning events, manage risk better, and increase their critical thinking. Business Acumen has the ability to influence your whole organization and provide that additional edge that will lead to success.

Workplace Essentials: Appreciative Inquiry

Organizations can be considered living beings made up of the individuals working within them. Appreciative Inquiry has the ability to change the whole organization by changing the people. Through positive questioning, employees will be directed to move in a positive direction. Recognizing the strengths and values of what works, as opposed to what"s wrong, will transform the individuals and, in turn, transform the organization.

Appreciative Inquiry is a shift from looking at problems and deficiencies to focusing on strengths and successes. It is a tool for change and will strengthen relationships throughout your business. Through best practices and positive stories, your participants will transform your organization.